Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Berkeley Book List

Here's another one of those "take a break and enjoy" resources. Ralph Hexter, executive dean of the College of Letters & Science, introduces the new Berkeley Book List by saying, "In this first annual edition of the list, distinguished faculty recommend a feast of books — some topical, some classics, others just favorites — across a range of subject areas. For those of you who are avid readers and who relish staying abreast of a particular field of knowledge, the Berkeley Book List is your ticket to indulge your curiosity."

This site is an easy read, profiling the the book lists of 15 (of more than 800) professors from the College of Letters & Science. My favorite, George Brimhall, who teaches EPS 170 (L&S 170AC) Crossroads of Earth Resources and Society isn't here, but you can meet him via the podcasts of the course. You'll see why I think he is the coolest professor around. Can't wait to listen to his Fall 2008 lectures.

Alex Filippenko, professor, Astronomy and Walter Alvarez, professor, Geology are here with their lists of books. You'll remember Professor Filippenko from our post on Introduction to General Astronomy.

Just a nice break to see what these academics consider a good read.

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