Friday, August 1, 2008

Looking Forward to Fall

While doing the dinosaur post yesterday, I discovered that the course had already been updated for Fall 2008. It's always so much fun to see what the new semester will bring from our favorite professors.

Hopefully, this fall will also bring more new courses to the podcast world. I am especially looking forward to the Fall 2008 update to UC Berkeley Webcasts. For the last week, I have been checking every day. The shell is usually up early, with the names of the courses that will be podcast during the new semester. For the last few years, more courses have been added each semester, so I am hoping that will be the case this fall.

I know that I sometimes (often) repeat myself about how fortunate we are to have access to ever-increasing resources on the Internet. But, it is true and I know that we lifelong learners do appreciate the opportunities that we have.

If you want to share your favorite resources, please post a comment.

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